For any questions regarding the Health Care Providers fee schedules please contact Dr. Richard Adu-Asamoah .
License For Use Of Current Procedural Terminology, 4th Ed. ("CPT®")
You, your employees and agents are authorized to use CPT®, only as contained in Rules Governing the Health Care Providers’ Fee Schedule solely for your own personal use in directly participating in the healthcare programs administered by WCA. You acknowledge that the American Medical Association ("AMA") holds all copyright, trademark and other rights in CPT.
Copyright Notice
Please be advised that this publication contains material that is copyrighted by the American Medical Association (AMA). You are forbidden to download the materials unless you read, agree to and abide by the provisions of the copyright statement.
The five-character codes included in the New Mexico Health Care Providers' Fee Schedule are obtained from the 2024 Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) copyright 2023, by the AMA. CPT is developed by the AMA as a listing of descriptive terms and five character identifying codes and modifiers for reporting medical services and procedures performed by physicians.
The responsibility for the content of New Mexico Health Care Providers’ Fee Schedules is with WCA and no endorsement by the AMA is intended or should be implied. The AMA disclaims responsibility for any consequences or liability attributable or related to any use, nonuse or interpretation of information contained in the New Mexico Health Care Providers’ Fee Schedule. Fee Schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein. Any use of CPT® outside of New Mexico Health Care Providers’ Fee Schedule should refer to the most recent edition of the Current Procedural Terminology which contains the complete and most current listing of CPT codes and descriptive terms. Applicable FARS/DFARS Restrictions Apply to Government Use.
CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.
Note: Should you have landed here as a result of a search engine (or other) link, be advised that these files contain material that is copyrighted by the American Medical Association. You are not authorized to download the materials unless you read, agree to and abide by the provisions of the copyright statement. Read the copyright statement now.
U.S. Government Rights
This product includes CPT which is commercial technical data which was developed exclusively at private expense by the American Medical Association, 330 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60611. The American Medical Association does not agree to license CPT to the Federal Government based on the license in FAR 52.227-14 (Data Rights- General) and DFARS 252.227-7015 (Technical Data - Commercial Items) or any other license provision. The American Medical Association reserves all rights to approve any license with any Federal agency.
Disclaimer of Warranties and Liabilities
CPT is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The responsibility for the content of this product is with WCA, and no endorsement by the AMA is intended or implied. The AMA disclaims responsibility for any consequences or liability attributable to or related to any use, non-use, or interpretation of information contained or not contained in CPT and/or the New Mexico Health Care Providers' Fee Schedule.
This Agreement will terminate upon notice if you violate its terms. The AMA is a third party beneficiary to this Agreement.
Carefully read the following terms and conditions before opening and using Rules Governing the Statutory Health Care Provider Fee Schedule. Opening and using Rules Governing the Statutory Health Care Provider Fee Schedule acknowledges your acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Should the foregoing terms and conditions be acceptable to you, please indicate your agreement and acceptance by clicking the ACCEPT button.