People of the WCA
To meet the objectives of the WCA's mission, the agency provides a wide range of services to workers, employers and insurance providers through its main office and six regional offices. All bureaus within the agency report to the Office of the Director. The WCA's bureaus are divided into three broad groups: Support Services and General Counsel.
The WCA is open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Office of the Director
The director is responsible for the administration of all aspects of the WCA. The director is assisted in duties by two deputies and General Counsel.
Heather Jordan, Director, 505-841-6007
Kellee Wiede, Executive Assistant, 505-841-6007
Catherine Farrell, HR Manager, 505-841-6013
Michael Holt, General Counsel, 505-841-6822
Isabella Pacheco, Enforcement Bureau Chief, 505-841-6064
Priscilla Padilla, UEF Administrator, 505-841-6050
Tony Couture, Chief Judge, Adjudication, 505-841-6055
Vacant Position, Public Information Officer, 505-841-6052
Support Services
The WCA's Support Services Division oversees economic research, facilities, field operations, finances, information systems and self-insurance.
Vacant Position, Executive Deputy Director, 505-841-6069
Richard Adu-Asamoah, Economic Research and Policy Bureau Chief, 505-841-6044
Jean Torres-Montoya, Chief Financial Officer, 505-841-6847
Brenda Henderson, Information Systems Manager, 505-841-6867
Paul Martinez, Safety Manager, 505-841-6830
Freddy Ramirez, Facilities Manager, 505-841-6039
Lisa Romero, Self-Insurance and Regulatory Audit Bureau Chief, 505-841-6860
The Operations Division oversees clerk of the court, employer compliance, mediation, medical cost containment, ombudsmen, and safety.
David Mora, Operations Administrator, 505-841-6846
Alexis Armijo, Clerk of the Court, 505-841-6028
Trey Flynt, Field Operations manager, 505-841-6056
Vacant Position, Ombudsman Program Bureau Chief, 505-841-6825
Leonard Fulton, Employer Compliance Bureau Chief, 505-841-6851
Kenneth Owens, Mediation Bureau Chief, 505-841-6024
Catherine Sanchez, Medical Cost Containment Bureau Chief, 505-841-6042
Meet our judges and mediators.