
The New Mexico Workers' Compensation Administration's Economic Research and Policy Bureau (ERPB) collects workers' compensation data and provides statistical and economic research for the public, the New Mexico Legislature, the Advisory Council on Workers' Compensation and Occupational Disease Disablement, and the WCA. To better inform the public and interested parties, the bureau publishes an annual report that provides a snapshot of the agency's key duties.

The NMWCA's 2023 Annual Report provides information on workplace injuries, accidents and fatalities for the 2022 year as compared to data from recent years.

Some highlights from the report include:

  • New Mexico’s share of pharmaceuticals as a percentage of medical costs exceeds that of either its geographic region or the country.
  • Cannabis trends reversed following recreational legalization.
  • Falling claim rates are countering rising indemnity costs.

To find out more about agency efforts, read the 2023 Annual Report. This report and reports from prior years are available on the Publications page.

View 2014-2021 New Mexico workers' compensation claims data through the Tableau interface. 

Watch the training video that explains how to use the interface, found on our YouTube channel.