Ombudsman Program

 Need help navigating the workers' compensation system?

Blue Line

The WCA's Ombudsman Program provides a neutral source of information for workers, employers and other parties

The service isOmbudsman free of charge.

Ombudsmen explain how the workers' compensation system works. They also help resolve disputes. Ombudsmen can be reached by phone, but you may also request to meet with one in person. Ombudsmen are available at all WCA offices, so you can contact one at the office nearest you. Some  ombudsmen are bilingual in English and Spanish, so if help is needed in Spanish, you will be connected to a Spanish-speaking ombudsman.

Ombudsmen will explain your rights, responsibilities and options. They may contact the other party and attempt to resolve your problem. Ombudsmen are not advocates for any party, and cannot give legal advice. Communications with ombudsmen are confidential.

Ombudsmen cannot help any party represented by an attorney, nor can they help with any claim that is in the formal adjudication phase.

Contact an ombudsman toll free at 1-866-967-5667, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Email a WCA ombudsman.

Download the ombudsman brochure.

Download the Worker Guidebook.

Get help with the workers' compensation system with our video resources.