Official Disability Guidelines

About the Official Disability Guidelines

On July 1, 2013, the Work Loss Data Institute’s (WLDI) Official Disability Guidelines (ODG) went into effect in New Mexico under Part 7 of the WCA Rules for the treatment of workers' compensation injuries. All medical services rendered for recommended treatment contained in the most recent edition of Official Disability Guidelines (ODG) are presumed reasonable and necessary. Since 2017, the ODG has been operated by MCG Health.

The ODG contains independent, evidence-based, nationally recognized treatment guidelines for the most common work-related conditions. ODG also includes evidence-based return-to-work guidelines as well as impairment guidelines from the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions (IAIABC), making for a complete and defensible workers' compensation reference. ODG is the most complete set of integrated evidence-based medical treatment and return to work guidelines available.

The ODG provides insurers and attorneys with current information on allowable medical services and treatments.

The Official Disability Guidelines is a subscription-based site. For subscription or general resources and ODG information, visit: MCG Health.

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Read The Official Disability Guidelines frequently asked questions.