Instructions for downloading:
1. The sections are separated by categories and publications that pertain to that section are listed in the boxes.
2. When you locate the publication you need, click on the title of the publication to download. The title is an active link.
3. The formats are for Microsoft Word or
for Adobe PDF.
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General Publications
Please select the publication and click on the link to download, check the downloads folder for the document.
Most publications go back three years, some five. For copies of publications from earlier years, contact us.
Workers' Compensation Brochures
Publicaciones de NMWCA
Instrucciones para descargar
1. Las secciones están dividas entre categoría y las publicaciones que pertenecen a la sección respectiva se encuentran listadas en cada cuadro o caja.
2. Cuando encuentra la publicación que necesita, puede hacer clic en el título de la publicación para descargar. El título es un enlace activo.
3. Los formatos son para Microsoft Word o
para Adobe PDF.
Si necesita instalar el programa de Adobe Acrobat Reader , descargue el programa por medio del sitio web de Adobe . (Es un descargo gratis).
Nota: Es posible que su navegador le pregunte que permita pop-ups o elementos emergentes de este sitio web. Permita los pop-ups o elementos emergentes y haga doble clic la forma de nuevo. Por favor use unos de los navegadores siguientes para la mejor compatibilidad del sitio web (Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox o Safari).
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Publicaciones Generals
Por favor seleccione la publicaci ó n y haga clic el enlace para descargar, chequee la folder para el documento.
La mayoría de las publicaciones son de tres años para atrás, algunas cinco. Para copias de publicaciones de años anteriores, comuníquese con nosotros.
Folletos y Recursos de Compensacion de Trabajadores
Please select the publication and click on the link to download.

Average Weekly Wage & Disability Benefits

EDI Guide

EDI Proof of Coverage Manual

Electronic Case Filing (ECF) Reference Guide

Employer Guidebook

Guide for Young Workers

Health Care Provider Guide

Health Care Provider Selection Process

How to Fill out a Notice of Accident Form

Resources (Continued)

Inpatient Hospital Reporting Rules and Instructions

IPRA Request Guide

Mileage Reimbursement Rates

Mileage Reimbursement Rates Memo from NM DFA

RAND Study: Permanent Partial Disability and Return to Work

Safety: Annual Safety Inspections Guide

Safety: Program Development

Work Comp 101 (WCA Overview)

Worker Guidebook

Return to Work
Please select the publication and click on the link to download.

Quarterly Scorecards
Please select the publication and click on the link to download.
Carrier and Self-Insurer Scorecards by Year and Quarter

2023 Calendar Year

2022 Calendar Year

2021 Calendar Year

Carrier and Self-Insurer Scorecards (Continued)

2019 Calendar Year

Public Information Office Publications
Please select the publication and click on the link to download.
Advisory Council Publications
Please select the publication and click on the link to download.
Advisory Council Annual Reports (Continued)
WCA Annual Reports
Notice: If the complete report is slow to open, you may download it to your computer and open it there. To do this, right-click on the link to the complete report, click "Save target [or link] as...", note the name of the report and the location it is being saved to, then click "Save". Navigate to the location of the saved report and open it there.
Notice: If the complete report is slow to open, you may download it to your computer and open it there. To do this, right-click on the link to the complete report, click "Save target [or link] as...", note the name of the report and the location it is being saved to, then click "Save". Navigate to the location of the saved report and open it there.
Annual Report 2022
Table A: Part of Body and Gender
Table B: Part of Body and Nature of Injury
Table C: Nature of Injury and Gender
Table D: Summary of Accidents: Categories with 25 or More Indemnity Claims
Table E: Type and Nature of Injury
Chart F: Non-Indemnity and Indemnity Claim Frequency
Chart G: Non-Indemnity and Indemnity Claims by Age
Chart H: Duration of Employment by Industry Group
Chart I: Duration of Employment by Occupational Group
Table K: Part of Body and Occupation
Table L: Indemnity Claims by NAICS Industry Sector by Gender
Table M: NAICS Industry Sector by Part of Body
Table O: NAICS Industry Sector by Nature of Injury
Table P: Indemnity and Non-Indemnity Claims and Claim Rate per 100 Workers by County
Table Q: Indemnity Claims by Industry for 10 Counties with Most Claims
Table R: Part of Body and Type of Injury
Table S: Type and Source of Injury
Table T: Type of Injury and Occupation
To see the tables for the 2021 Annual Report, visit our Tableau interface for an interactive experience.
Notice: If the complete report is slow to open, you may download it to your computer and open it there. To do this, right-click on the link to the complete report, click "Save target [or link] as...", note the name of the report and the location it is being saved to, then click "Save". Navigate to the location of the saved report and open it there.
To see the tables for the 2020 Annual Report, visit our Tableau interface for an interactive experience.
Notice: If the complete report is slow to open, you may download it to your computer and open it there. To do this, right-click on the link to the complete report, click "Save target [or link] as...", note the name of the report and the location it is being saved to, then click "Save". Navigate to the location of the saved report and open it there.
To see the tables for the 2019 Annual Report, visit our Tableau interface for an interactive experience.
Notice: If the complete report is slow to open, you may download it to your computer and open it there. To do this, right-click on the link to the complete report, click "Save target [or link] as...", note the name of the report and the location it is being saved to, then click "Save". Navigate to the location of the saved report and open it there.
For prior year annual reports, contact